The Goodbyes

As we head back to our respective sites, I just want to say that I have learned  tremendously from you all over the past few months. Things I thought I understood in an intellectual sense – particularly the way race shapes our respective perspectives on reality – I now understand in a more visceral way. And, however much my view of reality is, of course, shaped by my background and all that, my experience writing here and
being in conversation with you all has changed, humbled and deepened the way I see the issues we’ve been writing about since April.

So, thanks for that and for your collective intelligence and interest. I’ll be taking a break until the end of the year to finish a book manuscript (I’m on deadline), but plan to re-start Sports Media Review come January.

-J. Weiler


And from Me-

My experiences at The Starting Five were (TSF) —– interesting. I continued to grow as a writer – at least so I feel. As importantly, through writing at TSF I made the acquaintance of many writers in the mainstream, most of whom I continue to talk with on a regular basis. Some, I can call peers in arms, and perhaps even friends.

I also learned a lot about the business of writing, about the inner workings of Bog Box sports media outlets and the people inside the walls. This first-hand experience was enlightening, though momentarily disappointing. I came to understand that these people behind the scenes of what we read and see are reflections of the corporate environment for which they work. For a better understanding of them I suggest everyone watch a documentary called, “The Corporation,” it fills in the parts I’m unwilling to throw out to the Internet winds.

Oh, and I would be remiss if I forgot to mention the denizens of the Internets. I see why it is so easy for corporations to run into perpetuity.

Thank you all who commented and made this spot into a mecca for the pursuit of a deeper understanding of the world in which we live.

See you back at Sports On My Mind.

peace,                                                                                                                                           -DWil

38 Responses to “The Goodbyes”

  1. It’s a shame you all are splitting — that was great stuff over the past few months — and I’ll continue to read your individual stuff. Thanks for a good run. You all didn’t have an entry I ever thought “Well, that was lame.” That’s very, very rare.

  2. Pistons Fan Says:

    You always provided a refreshing viewpoint and understanding of so many issues that the MSM could never understand. Thanks for your efforts.

  3. Damn! I feel withdrawal symptoms coming on!

  4. Man this is terrible news for my LiveBookmarks feed.

    Big fan of the site. I learned a LOT here. I’ll make sure to check you guys out on your respective sites.

  5. Glad to hear you’ll still be writing D despite the split from TS5. I’ll change my bookmarks to SOMM and keep reading your stuff there. Keep up the great work!

  6. 10FootBongz Says:

    Damn is right, sorry to see you guys break up. Thanks for the reading.

  7. noooooooooooooooooooooooo

  8. Yes, sorry as it may seem, the TSF dynamic has been changed. I’ll be here challenging myself every day to keep the bar where it was originally set. I wish all the brothas great luck and success in whatever they do.

  9. Wow, I’m saddened by this. It’s good to hear you all will not be going away – it seems you’ll all be keeping up with the writings at your respective sites, but because the collective site you guys built here was an extreme success. You got your message out to a broaden audience, and probably would have kept growing.

    I’m very grateful for all the posts you guys had, and all the discussions you started and contributed to… see the three of ya on your individual sites….

  10. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    Fuck that shit!

    I just wrote this shit YESTERDAY on my blog!

    “In a related note, with Zirin’s departure into the mainstream, TSF went from holding the WBA and WBC belts to becoming the undisputed champion in alternative sports coverage.”

    I REALLY don’t want to delete that sentence!… I don’t want to be too dramatic here, but this is a serious blow to the field. Frankly, this site is THE CELTICS with Garnett, Ray Allen, and Pierce poised to go for the ring! You are all “all-stars” on your own, but you gotta get that hardware as a squad. The fact that each of you brings something different to the table is what makes this marriage work. I could only hope that you guys reconsider at some point. Seriously. There is a big picture! Of course, you guys already know this fully well so I apologize if I come off as insulting.

    I’m sure that you guys all thought this shit through bigtime, but still. The field of sports journalism got worse today. I’ll be more understanding to all your individual goals a little later…

  11. No, MODI,

    I’m in complete agreement with you. This breakup is bullshit. This is potentially the most important site in the sports world, and I’m noty idding one single bit. The implications of the conversations here are startling and Dwil, Mizzo, Jweil and whoever the hell else is involved needs to get some damn perspective and realize what is possible here.

    I’ve been saying for quite a while that we should enjoy this thing while it lasts, and I’ve noticed subtle clues, even before Mizzo’s plea that things were amiss. But I never thought it could end so quickly and with so much still to say. I hope somebody reconsiders.

  12. KevDog, MODI, and everyone,

    This has become a daily part of my
    life, sitting down and talking and sharing with each and every
    one of you, and now it won’t be the same. You cats have done
    things together that cannot be done individually. When you
    cause a mainstream sellout like Jemelle Hill take notice…
    You have rocked crowds and rocked worlds. Shit, if effing
    Van Halen can get back together…

    BTW, KevDog, Buss. Kobe. Go.

  13. I still think that this is THE way to run a sportsblog; 3-5 writers with different viewpoints. I’m going to miss the departing members of TSF. But I’m not so sure it’ll be a bad thing. I’ve been a little more ambivalent about TSF’s overall direction in the last month or so.

    I don’t want to speculate any more so as to respect your privacy during this breakup, but I would just say, wait and see. jweiler, D-Wil, and TSF may actually get even better being separated rather than being united.

  14. What did Sade sing?

    Hurts like brand new shoes…

    Hold ya heads people, it’s gonna be alright.

    I’ve thought about the concept of TSF far too long for it to dissolve without logic…Trust me 😉

    None of us had ever spoken to each other when I made that initial call DWil while sipping a drink in my hotel room at Caesar’s Palace in Vegas. I was so excited at the prospect and it will be documented It’s a credit to the founding members that this worked as long as it did.

    I have no regrets and definitely would do it all again. My conscious is broadened…and it don’t stop.

    Bias, that may be true, but goodness it feels like somebody died. My phone is ringing off the hook.

  15. Enjoyed having the opportunity to read a different viewpoint to the one I’m normally exposed to. Some stuff I’ve read here (articles and comments) have made me re-evaluate some things and changed the way I view a few things. Maybe I’m a better person, maybe I’m still an ass, who can tell?

    On the bright side, there’ll be less to distract me at work. Possibly could get some work done.

    Thanks, and luck with whatever it is you do.

  16. Miz,

    I ain’t goin’ nowhere. I’ll still be down for you, dwil,
    jweiler and everyone.

  17. That’s whassup Dez. I’m holding you to your word bruh 😉

    I hope J and D do the same.

  18. Oh yes, short-term I’m sad, Mizzo, don’t get me wrong. But I’m just mentally hitting “fast-forward” and seeing how this might look in 6 months, and I’m kind of excited about that.

  19. WTF?

    I checked out for a few weeks, as I got a new job where I couldn’t surf the net all day. Now finally on a Friday afternoon I check in and see this? Sad to see it go…

    Great work fellas!

  20. So am I Bias. It all remains to be seen.

  21. Shit. No matter what I thought about the opinions on this site, it was always a place where we could have civil debates about real issues. That’s rare to fin

  22. Shit. No matter what I thought about the opinions on this site, it was always a place where we could have civil debates about real issues. That’s rare to find on the blogosphere.

    Good luck.

  23. I really feel kevdog’s sentiment but I’m down with des too about staying and I will certainly check out dwil and jweiler wherever they land. Good luck fellas.

  24. Sweet Jones Says:

    D@yum, this announcement was a pure gut-punch. Come on fellas, even Bobby and Whitney put in over 10 years. (:

    In all seriousness, even though I’ll continue to support each individual writer, I REALLY hope you guys would reconsider. This may be the first site that EVERYONE I’ve recommended it to absolutely loves.

    I can’t stress enough the importance and impact of the work that’s being done here.

    Respectfully submitted for your consideration,
    Sweet Jones

  25. Bravo. And thanks… ain’t this boogie a mess?

  26. You will be missed! Keep on doing your thing.

  27. So why are you guys breaking up?

  28. Damn! Say it ain’t so…

    Good luck with whatever’s next.

  29. It’s a shame that you guys are leaving. I really enjoyed your articles and insightful analysis on issues involving the Mainstream media. No matter what I will continue to support you guys on your respective projects.

  30. So, what happened to the Barry Bonds reports that were on top of the site?

  31. This is overwhelmingly depressing.

    I’m serious guys get a friggin marriage counselor or something…the world doesn’t work nearly as well when you guys aren’t together.

  32. Wow,

    What facilitates the dissolving of a blog this important? I love the writing and the dialogue it inspired. I had been referrering everyone I met to this site. It’s hard to imagine what kind of behind the scenes issues has caused this. Oh well. Back to the grind…

  33. It’s a sad day and unfortunately I won’t be able to follow each of your respective sites because I have a tough enough time following this one.
    Because honestly, I disagree with Mizzo on several points and I agree with D-wil on most, but the thing about this site is that I would read everybody’s articles. Accesibilty and diverse opinions is key.

    Even though each seperate blog is a click away, people are too lazy to search for different viewpoints.

  34. Then stop being lazy and bookmark all three sites. Good grief. You have a computer.

  35. Babar and everyone: Thanks for your comments, but shake out of it. We will still do what we all do because life must go on. I would hope that you would continue to read Dwil’s writing. It was never about competition here. It was about producing a combustible mixture to blow up the present media construct. I personally wish everyone well and tip my hat to my former colleagues. I have the sincerest admiration for their work. We were becoming Hannibal and his predecessors. We just couldn’t get out of the Punic Wars. Shit happens but we all will learn from this and interject that knowledge and wisdom into anything we do from here on in.

    Trust me on that.

    Until we meet again.


  37. a little sleepy – RSS.

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