Interview with Washington Wizard center, Etan Thomas

etanthomasbookpic1.jpgThere are very few professional athletes today that use their personal resources to become agents of change. Since being selected with the 12th pick by Dallas (subsequently traded to Washington) out of Syracuse University in the 2000 draft, Etan has used his conscious and tireless voice to uplift the underclass, inspire those who search for positive understanding, and address controversial issues such as the pessimistic plight of inner-city schools, the death penalty, and abortion–among others. He’s written a book of poems, More Than An Athlete and has another forth coming tentatively titled Freedom to Speak. He’s written columns for SLAMonline and The Huffington Post, spoken on panels and participated in demonstrations; using his public personna to help establish a mass voice which will force those in power to judge their collective work accordingly. Those of you who are enlightened by an athlete unafraid to challenge the status quo will find purpose–past, present and future–in Etan’s words and social interaction. I personally choose to follow athletes of Etan’s ilk because he takes me back to a different time–1968–when athletes were not at all worried about offending anyone, but more focused on helping everyone.

Etan recently took some time out of his busy off-season schedule to give TSF a few words on what his socially aware consciousness is all about.


MT: What do you think the media’s role should be in contrast to what it actually is? This speaks to the present media climate and how it affects the fan’s perception of athletes.

ET: During a panel discussion at Morehouse after the season, I shared the stage with many columnists, and I addressed this very question. I knew the answer, but I wanted to see what excuse they were going to give. The fact is that negativity sells. Nobody wants to read about an athlete making positive contributions to our community and society as a whole. That doesn’t make the top of sports center. When an athlete makes a charitable donation, responds in a crises i.e. Katrina, 911, the catastrophe of inner city schools etc., that is not shown. But let an athlete get arrested, or better yet, accused of something that there has been no conclusive evidence toward, that will be at the top of every sports news outlet across the country. That is the unfortunate reality of the world of sports. The answer that was given by Stephen A. Smith was and I quote, “The actions of a few outweigh the many”. Unfortunately, this is just the way it is. When an athlete does something positive, it is not big news, when we do something negative, it is.

The problem with this is that it skews public perception of athletes as a whole because society and “the mainstream” are only given one side. I think that it is important to show both sides of the equation. If it weren’t for NBA Cares, even if it is being done for business reasons, we would hardly ever be cast in a positive light. People tend to believe everything that they read. If you constantly bombard them with negative images of a certain group, they will begin to believe that this is an honest representation of the entire group as a whole. Especially, if they are not being shown anything different. It’s not that I am blaming the media for everything, which is often a response by many of the journalists when confronted with this issue, but I think they have a responsibility especially the few black journalists that we do have, to not only point out the negative, but shine some light on the positive as well.

MT: That being said, why are NBA fights more heavily scrutinized than fights in other sports?

ET: It’s interesting because I watch a lot of sports. I see bench clearing brawls in baseball. I’ve seen them drop the bat, rush the pitcher, and the entire team spill onto the field throwing blows, but its never blown up in the media the way it is when basketball players get into a fight. In hockey they were actually complaining that there wasn’t as many fights as there used to be. But when something happens in basketball, the entire culture of the NBA is demonized. Then, somehow, they bring hip hop into the discussion, which always seems to happen for some reason, and there is this big problem. And something needs to be done. We become labeled as thugs. That is something that really bothers me, but it is an unfortunate reality that is our present day society.

MT: What’s your impression of Hip Hop?

ET: I love Hip Hop. It has always spoken to me in high volumes and has had a tremendous influence on my life. I remember listening to Public Enemy and X Clan when I was young. I was captivated by everything that they represented and spoke about. The revolutionary aspect of Public Enemy and the cultural aspect of X Clan was something that I was drawn to. I remember being amazed at the lyrics of Rakim and Nas. The people I mostly listen to now are Talib Kweli, The Roots, Common, Mos Def; I still listen to old Tribe Called Quest, Digable Planets, and De La Soul. That’s what I like to hear. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like the other types of Hip Hop. Even if it doesn’t directly speak to me, I can appreciate Hip Hop in all its forms. I’m not one of these people who say that Hip Hop is dead; I just think it’s in a phase right now. Soon, this will pass, and Hip Hop will be in another phase. That’s the beauty of Hip Hop; it can never die because it is always re-inventing itself.

*Note: KRS-One’s son, Randy Hubbard Parker, was found dead  from an apparent suicide July 6–Michael Tillery.

MT: What do you have going on off the court?

ET: I have quite a bit going on off the court.

I just finished speaking at two correctional facilities; DC Prison and Prince George’s Correctional Facility. I am going to speak at the NAACP Youth Conference & Author’s Pavilion in Detroit in July. And like last summer I will be speaking at the Congressional Black Caucus weekend & the National Council of Negro Women’s Black Family Reunion both in September. Also on tap this summer is a few Local HS visits at the beginning of the school term & an evening of dialogue with the Literary Counsel of Price George’s County in September.

I am going on a trip to in July to Kenya with Ron Artest, Derek Fisher, Theo Ratliff, and Maurice Evans with a goal to feed a million people. This was spearheaded by former player Kermit Washington.

I’ll be working with the Obama ‘08 Presidential campaign.

My wife and I will be working with a camp with our church, First Baptist of Glen Arden where we talk to young people dealing with issues ranging from being frustrated confused or outright struggling with religion as a whole, to societal and social problems, and anything else you can think of. This one is more of my wife’s event, I’m just helping out. I really have a passion for young people. I just feel that they are dealing with so much and have so much to say and need to get off their chest and many times, their voices are not being heard.

I am currently finishing my second book, featuring my brother Julian. We’re playing with a few titles but I think it’s going to be called “Freedom to Speak”. A collection of essays, poems, short plays, short stories, monologues, and dialogues. I’m also going to have an entire section devoted to answering criticisms I have gotten in the past. (Believe me, there’s been plenty) I’m going to break it up into sections. There’s going to be a political section, a sports section, a section geared toward young people, a spiritual section, a deeper, philosophical, more multilayered section, called seeds of peace (a camp I’ve been going to for the past few years) a section called tales of incarceration (I’ve been doing a lot of work in prisons), culture and societal section, a section dealing with racial issues, a section about family (I am married with a son now so there is a whole other side of me that has opened up, each section will contain various poems, essays, short plays etc. on the particular topic.

I am also doing a CD with my brother with quite a few featured artists. It’s going to be great. I am someone who is always writing, whether it’s on the plane, late at night, after I workout, whenever I get a free minute. There is so much to write about, sometimes you just can’t stop.

MT: It’s rare to see or hear a professional athlete’s opinion of the War in Iraq. How do you personally feel?

ET: We are past the point of blame. Although it does anger me that the Bush administration is still saying things like “stay the course”, and we”ll stand down when the Iraqis stand up”, and won’t take responsibility that they led us into this mess under a false accusation of weapons of mass destruction. It still angers me that this entire debacle had absolutely no connection to 911, did absolutely nothing to make us safer here in the U.S., and has cost us the lives of well over 3000 of our soldiers. In fact, I hold the Bush administration personally responsible for every mother who will never see their son or daughter again. The area is more dangerous now than when we entered it. We destroyed a regime hated by our direct enemies and created thousands of new recruits for them. This war has done far more harm than good and it amazes me when I hear political pundits, mostly on Fox News, continue to defend it. But now we need to figure out the right course of action. The Republicans keep using the phrase “cut and run”, but sometimes you have to know when to say when.

To quote Bill Clinton: “When practical people find themselves in a hole, they stop digging. When ideological people find themselves in a hole, they ask for a bigger shovel.” That’s exactly what this administration is doing, asking for a bigger shovel to dig the American people into.

MT: Do you have political aspirations? If not, what do you see yourself portraying when the beard is grey?

ET: It’s funny, my wife always calls me a nerd but I have a strong interest in politics. I don’t know if I would want to run for congress or anything, but at the same time, I wouldn’t rule it out. There are just a lot of things that I see that aren’t fair, and that’s what drives my passion for politics. Whether it’s the war, the school system, health care, police brutality, the death penalty, there is just so much in society that isn’t the way that its suppose to be. Not to mention foreign policy, immigration, the environment, abortion, gun control, which are topics that simply cannot be ignored. I could definitely see myself going back to school and getting my masters and becoming a professor at a HBCU. But who knows.

MT: Dave Zirin is definitely a friend of ours at TSF. He’s a very talented writer and does as much as he can for other people. I know there’s an association there between the two of you. How did that come about?

ET: Dave Zirin is my guy. Back when I first wanted to come out publicly against the war in Iraq, I surprisingly was having a lot of trouble finding a media outlet who would allow me to use them as a vehicle. I went to the Washington post, the Washington Times, New York Times, every publication I could think of, and nobody would touch the story. Dave Zirin was working for the Prince George’s Post at the time, and he was more than happy to publish my article. The piece was called, “I Am Totally Against This War”. This was back in 2004 when it wasn’t too popular of an opinion to be against the war in Iraq. Now, most people, even Republicans, are speaking against this war, but not back then. I remember reading how they treated the Dixie Chicks. I actually bought their album in support of them. I don’t really listen to their music much, but I respect their stance, especially in the face of the adversary they faced.

MT: Barack or Hilary?

ET: Not to talk bad about Hilary, but I really like what I am seeing from Senator Obama so far. I was just reading about his recent pledge to provide proper assistance for active duty soldiers. He acknowledged that currently we are falling far short in addressing the mental care needs of our heroes and that is inexcusable. I read about his plan for universal health care by eliminating the tax cuts for the wealthy which I am definitely in agreement with especially after reading about Michael Moore’s Sicko. Health Care should not be a problem as wealthy and powerful as this country is. Also, he was against the war from the beginning. He didn’t vote one way, and later change his position. Also, earlier this summer, Obama called for reforming the student loan program by eliminating the costly subsidies to private lenders in favor of mandating that all federal student loans be provided through the direct loan program. Meaning that the student loan program could no longer be abused. The private banks are the ones who profit off of student loans right now, and this can make college a little more affordable. I saw the way he handled the whole situation with Rush Limbaugh. He didn’t stoop to his level, or take the bait. He just rose above his ignorance, and maintained his decorum. I also read where while he welcomed Bush’s decision to finally impose tightened sanctions on the Sudanese government, he still criticized it for not only being absent of the much needed sanctions against the oil industry which is needed to stop the killings and displacement of the innocent civilians of Darfur. But also they need the deployment of a strong international force led by the UN with some type of enforcement mandate to protect the civilians. If you’re going to do something, you need to do it right. I know its early, but Barack Obama is definitely heading in the right direction, and the polls are a reflection of that.

MT: Why is it important for you to reach the kids in an age where people just don’t give a damn?

ET: It’s important to me because I see their potential. I see what they are capable of, and it’s almost as if nobody is telling them. I also get frustrated by the lack of resources available to them. It’s a passion of mine to speak to young people because so many are talking about them, but not talking to them. I spent this week visiting two correctional facilities, one Prince George’s Correctional facility, and a DC jail. I spoke with young men who will get a second chance but I stressed to them that it’s up to them. I told them that society almost wants them to mess up so that they can fill the new prisons they build. I talked about how they owe it to themselves not to become what everyone expects them to become. That they can turn their lives around but the choice is theirs. I shared personal experiences with them, recited some poetry that spoke to them. For instance, a poem I have called wasted talent about a young man I grew up admiring how he played basketball, but who never made it because of the choices he made in life. It’s interesting because the guards at the facility told me that I probably challenged them harder than they’ve ever been challenged before. I don’t know about all that, but I just brought a lot of things to their attention. Like, why do they think when you have money, you get the dream team, but they get the public defenders who stress to them to cop a plea, and are usually some unqualified cat, without the access, time, or commitment to the proper resources. Or that prisons are privatized now and they make money off of them every time they mess up. That it actually benefits them, and that’s why they would rather lock them up than rehabilitate them. It’s a message of knowing that you are not going to get a fair chance, the system is set up for you to lose, so why would you fall into their traps. That you are cheating yourselves. Also, that anybody can make a mistake, but when you get out, what will you have learned from your mistake. Are you going to do what they expect you to do anyway which is go back to the same criminal activity that got you in there in the first place, and end up back in prison. Or are you going to change your lives? Don’t let anybody, any statistic tell you that you can’t do it, because the choice is up to you.

MT: What do kids need to know to help inspire them to greater heights?

ET: It’s interesting because my message shifts depending who I am speaking to. When I go to schools I point out the difference between the schools in the suburbs, and the schools in the inner city, and how it is set up for us to fail. The inner city schools are over crowded, teachers are underpaid and frustrated, old out of date books, brand new metal detectors, but old books. And the schools in the suburbs have new computers, 14 kids to a class, with a teacher’s aid, air conditioner, new books. How we are put at a disadvantage from the beginning. Then they issue their standardized tests comparing the inner city to the suburbs as if the two were getting the same education, and when the test scores aren’t the same, Bush uses that as the reason why we don’t need some form of affirmative action in schools. If the school system was equal institutions of higher learning wouldn’t need methods of special consideration, but they aren’t. If I’m talking to a group of republicans, I am saying that this is the situation that you created by taking money out of inner city schools, cutting funding for programs, the no child shall be left behind farce etc. But when I am speaking to young people it’s a message of, this is what’s set up for you. The entire system is set for you to fail so you have to work twice as hard to be successful. I am a firm believer in just because someone digs a hole for you, doesn’t mean that you have to fall in that whole. You always have a choice.

MT: Are you happy?

ET: I can say all and all, I’m blessed.

60 Responses to “Interview with Washington Wizard center, Etan Thomas”

  1. Well, not the first time I’ve had comments deleted.

  2. It won’t be the last either. Add something substantive or there really isn’t a reason to come back. We welcome dissent at TSF, but anything nonsensical will not be tolerated.

  3. […] Clark Link to Article barack obama Interview with Washington Wizard center, Etan Thomas » Posted at […]

  4. […] Link to Article sicko Interview with Washington Wizard center, Etan Thomas » Posted at The […]

  5. I bet the house this is the only place you will read that Ron Artest is going to feed people in Kenya. In an effort spearheaded by Kermit Washington, whose name is usually only associated with punching Rudy T.

    Another great job guys. I am going to have to get Thomas’s book and look forward to the publishing of his second.

  6. It’s funny how Jordan and Tiger get heavy criticism for not taking stands on issues, but you have a cat like Etan practically begging to have his voice heard on the Iraq war and he’s ignored. I didn’t realize he was so involved politically and socially, but I’ve had it pounded into my head constantly that he’s beefing with Brendan Haywood. Sometimes you just have to laugh.

  7. Jordi your first statement is the truest. We’ll see how that goes.

    D, Etan is out there doing everything he possibly can. Gotta love the brotha for that.

  8. When you get a chance, please let Etan know that the Democrats are as much to blame for the crisis in education as the Republicans. More specifically, in New York State, schools have historically funded through a formal for Average Teacher Salaries. In wealthy, suburban districts the teachers are more experienced, have higher qualifications and earn higher salaries. The same is also true of a few wealthy enclaves in the city of New York. Those schools receive allocations from the STATE based on those Average Teacher Salaries – NOT the needs of the students attending the schools, the academic performance of the students, or the overall economic condition of the community in which the school is located. This process, supported by Democrats and teachers unions firmly establishes a financial incentive to sustain the privilege of senior teachers moving to low-need schools with higher average teacher salaries. It fuels the cycle of high need districts hiring inexperienced teachers with lower earning power, limited skills, and a higher rate of leaving the profession.

    The Democrats and Republicans, when the variable is race, are not fundamentally different from one other. They may speak in different tongues, but the fork is split in both mouths.

  9. Wow!! Now that’s what I’m talking about. Great interveiw. If our children are to have sports heros, it should be guys like Etan. I’m tired of the media portraying certain athletes as good guys who are not and other athletes who make make a mistake as horrible who have good hearts and do positive things the inner city’s. I know C-webb and Rasheed Wallace do a lot and their efforts and kind deeds are never mentioned. Mizzo and Dwil I hope you guys will change the climate of sports writing, to a more fair and more information based and by that I mean fact not fiction, and accuracy and not spin. I don’t like the fact that the media trys to almost poison minds against certain atheletes. I’ve even watched news reports of athletes stats. being wrong. In the computer age that is unacceptable unless it’s done on purpose. Hats off to Etan he’s using his fame to help people and I appreciate that. The Starting Five does it again. Good work.

  10. I just read this (another great interview, Mizzo), and even I was aware of Etan Thomas’ long history of philanthropy and awareness, like Jordi I was surprised to hear about Ron Artest and Kermit Washington. In fact, hearing that Kermit Washington (who, no matter how much good he does, will have “punched Rudy T.” as the lead in his obituary) was spearheading this effort got me to look up some of the stuff he’s done.

    He started Project Contact to help out in Rwanda back in 1995, and still does a lot of work in Africa.

  11. […] insightful, socially conscious NBA player who is unafraid to speak out about his views on society, Etan Thomas, took time out to speak with TheStartingFive’s own Mizzo and place us in his mindset. (More on this interview and others […]

  12. I was thinking the same thing Jordi

  13. DWil:

    Powerful article.

  14. Ima try not to Post Jack…but education is ultimately a local issue. Schools are primarily funded by Property taxes, as such what REALLY is wrong with your schools is related to the local administration and the tax base combined with the fact that the home has NEVER been LESS education friendly in this country.

    Ideological rhetoric is the LEAST of the problems facing public education in this country.

    Good interview, btw.

  15. Here is an interesting question.

    Could it be that the fact that dude is SO diverse and in touch with the world actually detracts from his game?

  16. Great interview, Mike (and thanks for the link).

  17. You got it Ben. Thanks for stopping by.

  18. SML you bring back my tropical feminine finess? Don’t try to hide bruh, I know where you write 😉

    Paul, DW and Don glad you liked the piece.

    Temple you are so correct, but Washington cannot skate when it comes to our children. DC is as much to blame as the local fat cats who don’t give a damn.

  19. […] Etan Thomas via TheStartingFive Not a big fan of Whitlock, Etan Thomas is one of those athletes who isn’t afraid to speak out about his feelings of societal issues. More athletes should follow suit and take Etan as a shining example. He writes for SLAM magazine online, and at one point wrote an open letter to Whitlock addressing the Don Imus issue and how he felt Whitlock’s methods were hurting Black America (my words, not his). Athletes are on a unique platform to speak out and be heard and Etan risks hearing the infamous words, “don’t quit your day job,” by separating himself from every being called a sterotypical jock, but instead shows off that he has no time to bite his tongue — he has a world to save. […]

  20. I just came across your site yesterday and remarked in another post (schapp’s biased Bonds piece) that I am a regular reader from now on. This interview confirms that earlier statement, and as a big sports nut I alsmost feel guilty that I didn’t know about your blog. I am from the DC area and have been to Wizards games so I know a bit about Etan and his off court work, but now I know much more. This is excellent. We have to push out a lot of the positve stuff that athletes are doing. Lord knows ESPN won’t.

    Here is my contribution on Stephon Marbury by the way:

  21. Charles thanks for the words about The Starting Five.

    The Stephon and Sarah Parker post on your site is excellent. I had no idea Parker was involved. Props to her and Stephon for seeking the change necessary to reel our children back to where they honestly belong.

    We all have to do our part. The collective works of Etan, Marbury and Parker hopefully will put their peers on notice. We at TSF are here to do our part also. Our influence obviously remains to be seen but we seem to making headway slowly but surely. Stick around.

  22. […] Interview with Washington Wizard center, Etan Thomas [image]There are very few professional athletes today that use their personal resources to become agents of change. […] […]

  23. Great post Dwil. Etan’s what missing today: a professional athlete who’s using their clout and money to stand up for what they believe in.

  24. Marin-
    Cool, (Shhhhhh! it’s Mizzo’s interview!)

  25. clowntooth Says:

    etan thomas: great guy… ‘more than an athlete’: worst title ever for a book of poetry.

  26. […] Tillery posted an exclusive interview with Etan Thomas over at The Starting […]

  27. The work Etan does is very inspiring. I wish that I heard more stories of him inspiring other athletes and/or building consensus with them and other powerful people. Obviously the trip with Artest, Fisher, etc… sounds great.

    Not to diminsih his hoops skills, because he’s made a nice career for himself, but imagine if a real legit superstar was interested in the same type of work that he is doing. What an impact it could have. You would think that the NBA might want to showcase a guy like Thomas. So while I would never suggest that he stop talking to groups like prisons and and youth, it would be great if he could speak to NBA sponsors, other players, etc… Change and empowerment can happen two ways…

    1. “Bottom-up theory” – This consists of the great work Etan is doing now- talking to the marginalized populations in our society and encouraging them to empower themselves.

    2. “Top-down” – Get the people with money, power, executive know-how, etc… to listen to your message so that they can implement programs and policies that open doors for marginalized people.

    It’s sad that (as Etan explained when Zirin was the only MSM guy to publish his thoughts) there aren’t many people from the “high” end of society who are hearing Etan’s message and helping him spread it.

    Last thought (which has been stated a few times already in comments)- it’s hilarious (sad, actually), that if I hadn’t read Zirin’s work and Starting 5, which most typical sports fans have not, the only thing I’d hear about Thomas is his constant fighting with Brendan Haywood. Thanks MSM.

  28. […] The Starting Five’s dedication to the interview process.  You may not think about Etan Thomas very often.  Here’s why you should. […]

  29. “My wife and I will be working with a camp with our church, First Baptist of Glen Arden where we talk to young people dealing with issues ranging from being frustrated confused or outright struggling with religion as a whole”

    I’ll be honest with you – I’m not much of a church-going guy. But this is what I like to hear from people with a spiritual drive. Let’s stop telling people to shut up and believe, especially kids. Talking to them honestly about the contradictions and difficulties they will face is the way to go about it.

  30. I look forward to Thomas blocking some Spencer Hawes shots this season.

  31. In light of this post, the treatment of Stephon Marbury’s charitable efforts has been driving me nuts for years. The popular media and fan perception you hear is “Stephon’s a bad guy. A Loser. A cancer. A thug. (see: neck tattoos)” And this dude is singlehandedly taking on the shoe industry while simultaneously doing – and funding – more charitable work than pretty much any athlete I’ve heard. And I only know this because I pay attention to the blurbs at the ends of Knicks notes columns or the blog entries the beat writers post. But editors don’t give these stories more space to breathe because they’re “fluff” or “free PR,” which is crap. Negative negative negative. Ugh. Even that story about Darius Miles funding the funeral costs for the kid that died in the camping accident was a minor (throwaway?) blurb.

  32. Yeah … so evidently time and too many nights out in a row prevented me from remembering I posted a comment that almost completely mirrors that one on the previous “Stephon does good works” post. Sorry for the redundancies.

  33. […] An interview with Wizards C Etan Thomas. [The Starting Five] […]

  34. Melo is in the same boat as Stephon. Based on media portrayal, most common fans think Melo is a total “thug”. However, Bill Walton said in a live broadcast that Carmelo gave more to charity than any other pro athlete in 2006. I also read that he was #8 on the list of all celebrities making charitible contributions last year. All I heard about on Sportscenter, though, was the fight he got in against the Knicks and the “Stop Snitching” video.

  35. BB and Pat: Makes you wonder about the true agenda of MSM. Do they want progressive and socially uplifting content or a continuance of yellow journalism?

    EP thanks for your comment. I wondered when someone would address the spiritual side of Etan.

  36. Mizzo – just the fact that he knows that confusion and resistence need to be faced means he’s considered those issues himself. It just proves moreover that he is a real thinker (I won’t use intellectual, too much baggage in that word) in every aspect of his life, and has a great perspective. I admire that. I’m not sure I can match it in my own life.

  37. Fantastic interview dwil. Etan Thomas is an admirable man.

  38. Admire said perspective, but don’t doubt a similar sense embedded in your own soul. The talented tenth leads, but we all should be inspired by their courageous example that trickles down to the toddler with a sun lit gleam in his/her eye.

  39. As I said earlier thanks for the Etan Interview. It certainly has not gone to waste as I have referenced heavy portions of it in this new article that was partially inspired by stuff on your site, but has been a thorn in my side for a long time. ESPN has been put on trial! Please check it out:

    ESPN’s RAP SHEET: “Pacman as Black Man”

  40. Charles. Excellent article. Very detailed down to the footnotes. Good work. Thanks for linking us.

    Keep doing what you do!

  41. […] quote from an interview with full-time activist, part-time NBA player Etan Thomas builds on my analogy with his reference […]

  42. Great interview, Etan is now my new favorite basketball player, and second favorite all-time after Dr. J…

    Mr. OK Jazz

  43. […] Thomas (C): Every good all-star team needs a published poet. The Eddie House All-Stars are no different. Thomas slides under the threshold by playing 19.2 […]

  44. Phyllis Murchison Says:

    Greetings to all!

    Re: Etan Thomas

    I am a fan of the NBA for years going back to the late 80’s…….

    Anyway, wanted to say Etan Thomas is AWESOME! The media, especially sport media doesn’t even acknowledge him it’s so SAD. Just because of his positive, powerful message. I know it’s tough, but maybe Etan need to contact some of these noticeable African Americans sport celebrities who the media would focus and have focus on…get them involved with his work…if they’re interested? I guess that’s the question…It’s an start.

    I see Etan as an politician……Etan, keep up the good and powerful work!!!

    Peace and many blessings~

  45. […] Deliberation: After luckily stumbling across this freshly posted MUST READ interview on The Starting Five, we will defer to NBA player Etan Thomas for this portion of the proceedings. Besides, it will be […]

  46. Danny Schayes' Goggles Says:

    Etan is a man’s man, going all the way back to when he carried SU deep into the NCAA tourney.

  47. […] luckily stumbling across this freshly posted MUST READ interview on The Starting Five, we will defer to NBA player Etan Thomas for this portion of the proceedings. Besides, it will be […]

  48. […] to make his feelings known and was initially met with roadblocks. In this interview given with The Starting Five this is what Thomas had to say: “…Back when I first wanted to come out publicly […]

  49. […] Minnesota 1998? Etan get well soon. Jaws just shut up! I just spoke with the publicist of Etan Thomas and he relayed to me that during a routine physical doctors discovered what led to his recent […]

  50. […] just spoke with the publicist brazeros musical Etan Thomas and he relayed to me that during a routine physical doctors discovered what led to his recent […]

  51. […] wasn’t publicized more thoroughly. It was Etan Thomas, Maurice Evans, you and some others. I interviewed Etan for a blog I run with some talented brothas called The Starting Five. One of our many […]

  52. vous etes de quelle societer?

  53. […] luckily stumbling across this freshly posted MUST READ interview on The Starting Five, we will defer to NBA player Etan Thomas for this portion of the proceedings. Besides, it will be […]

  54. […] Etan Thomas denounced the Iraq War in 2004, he attempted to get his position published but was rejected by a whole host of mainstream newspapers. In fact, the ONLY reason Marshall’s aborted call for racial unity received extended media […]

  55. […] it wasn’t publicized more thoroughly. It was Etan Thomas, Maurice Evans, you and some others. I interviewed Etan for a blog I run with some talented brothas called The Starting Five. One of our many […]

  56. go there…

    […]Interview with Washington Wizard center, Etan Thomas « The Starting Five[…]…

  57. Click Here…

    […]Interview with Washington Wizard center, Etan Thomas « The Starting Five[…]…

  58. […] it wasn’t publicized more thoroughly. It was Etan Thomas, Maurice Evans, you and some others. I interviewed Etan for a blog I run with some talented brothas called The Starting Five. One of our many […]

  59. […] luckily stumbling across this freshly posted MUST READ interview with NBA player Etan Thomas on The Starting Five, we will defer this to Mr. Thomas for this portion […]

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